Introduction of scam

Guardian mafia

table of contents 1-2

Guardianship transcript Day 1

table of contents 3-12

Videos explained

Table of contents 13-29

table of contents 30-44

table of contents 44-46

table of contents 47-65

table of contents 66-74

Mother screwed by jaskowiak

Jaskowiak violated Mother’s privacy

Mother’s notes to Arthur

guardianship trial day 2

jaskowiak PBI guardianship

table of contents 75-86

table of contents 87-104

fenstermacher, guardian problems

Rules of Conduct lawyers long

Rules of Conduct lawyers short

fenstermacher pt. 1

fenstermacher pt. 2

fenstermacher pt. 3

fenstermacher pt. 4

fenstermacher pt. 5

fenstermacher pt. 6

disciplinary board fenstermacher jaskowiak

orders by judges weilheimer & sterling

orders by judge weiheimer #2

jsh emails & documents

cynthia ellis emails and documents

East Coventry police reports on jane

paid spy brandi’s notes

jaskowiak fake harrasment

jaskowiak contempt 11/19/21 on arthur

jaskowiak fenstermacher eviction of arthur

jaskowiak reply to memo 4/8/24

jaskowiak response to jas preliminary objections 3/17/24

jaskowiak response to petition for eviction 7/14/23

guardianship practice procedures

jaskowiak memo reply

jaskowiak reasons to review guardianship

jaskowiak supercedeus stay of eviction 6/28/23

fenstermacher pt. 7

jaskowiak emails

jaskowiak documents 1

jaskowiak documents 2

jaskowiak documents 3

Mother’s obituary

manatawny manor emails

klock revoke license

zabowski revoke license

zabowski petition for allowance

logie work log

deb klock

diane zabowski

judge weilheimer

dwayne logie

weilheimer Mother’s letter

gloria byers guardian convicted died

weilheimer recuse, said no, fed judge

weilheimer order 4 11 23 my reply

weilheimer copestick emails

sterling bookler emails

ledakis & carroll

weilheimer order

blumer’s monitors

fenstermacher lied

jaskowiak ignores Mother